Integrate with Editors

Nx Console is the UI for Nx. It works for any installed generators or any targets defined in your workspace. Nx Console does not have a specific UI for, say, generating a component. Instead, Nx Console does what the command-line version of Nx does - it analyzes the same meta information to create the needed UI. This means that anything you can do with Nx, you can do with Nx Console.


Official Integrations

If you are using VSCode or a JetBrains IDE you can install Nx Console from their respective marketplaces. Nx Console for VSCode and JetBrains is built and maintained by the Nx team.

Visual Studio Code

Install Nx Console for VSCodeThe official VSCode plugin for Nx.

IntelliJ IDEA

Nx Console screenshot


If you are using Neovim, you can install Equilibris/nx.nvim with your favorite package manager.

This plugin is NOT built or maintained by the Nx team. They are maintained by independent community contributors.